INTRODUCING THE NEWQRAS (Qualitrol Record Analysis Software) AI based analysis of power grid disturbances


Improve the accuracy and speed of analysis of recorded/downloaded records.

Quick, visual monitoring for your pad mount transformers to keep your solar or wind turbines up and running

Many utilities have a large install base of fault recorders and/or protection relays. Sometimes up to and beyond 200-400 units. During a storm a system this size could accumulate close to 1000 records. QRAS was born out of the need to reduce the time required to manually process 1000’s of records but instead automatically highlight the critical few records in a short a time as possible.

  • Highlight critical few

    Improve productivity immediately after gathering all fault records by efficiently categorizing the various records

  • Improve analysis accuracy

    Leverage Qualitrol’s global data library of over 1 million similar fault records built into the software AI to achieve analysis accuracy greater than 99%.

  • Get to conclusions faster

    Automate the reporting to support colleagues in Operation and in the field to improve response time and post-mortem investigations

Avoid unnecessary delays by removing the need to manually eyeballing insignificant fault records

Automatically categorise data from large or small populations of fault recorders or protection relays into record types such as “Circuit trip”, ”Failed to trip”, “Close onto fault”, “Circuit de-energized”,  “Circuit energized”, “Through fault” etc. Automatically calculate relevant fault parameters such as protection pick up time, distance to fault (single and double ended), fault duration, faulted phase, maximum current flowed,  etc.

Gather all relevant fault records into one disturbance event.

Cluster fault records together from the same fault to ensure all necessary data is in one place. For example, circuit trip and circuit reclose (both ends). Present all the data in an easy to navigate user interface.

Minutes to Install

The Qualitrol DGA-LT1 is threaded into an existing drain valve of the transformer and is equipped with a bleed valve / sample port to prevent air intrusion into the transformer and allow for uninterrupted manual oil sampling. It requires no power or communication cables so installation and commissioning takes only minutes per transformer.

Interested? Fill in the contact us form to register for a demo of the fault classifier tool.