Iris Power Epoxy Mica Capacitors are sensors for monitoring Partial Discharge Across Motors, Generators, Switchgear, Dry Type Transformers and Isolated Phase Bus
Download Brochure Download Brochure - SwitchgearIris Power Epoxy Mica Capacitors (EMC) are designed to detect Partial Discharge activity in motors, generators, switchgear and isolated phase bus while not imposing on the machine’s operation or reliability in any way.
Iris Power’s 80 pF EMCs are designed to block the 50/60 Hz power frequency and allow only high frequency (>40MHz) signals to pass through, be collected and analyzed by an appropriate Iris Power portable instrument or continuous monitor.
Call us at +1 905.677.4824 or Toll Free at +1 888-873-4747 or fill out our online quote form below.
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IN THE PAST 15 YEARS, INSURANCE INDUSTRY DATA HAVE indicated that stator end-winding vibration has become the most important ...
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About The Course Mechanical, electrical and environmental stresses can cause a breakdown in the inter-laminar insulation on Stator Core assemblies…